BAG Kernkompetenzen

Numbers, data, facts

As individual companies, we are exceptional. As a group, we are unbeatable! After re-structuring in 2019, we are on a course for growth. Based on our experience and forward thinking, we develop pioneering solutions.

We have transferred the core competences "in vitro diagnostics" and "pharmaceutical contract manufacturing of sterile medicinal products" into independent, service-oriented divisions - "BAG Health Care GmbH" and "BAG Diagnostics GmbH" - and bundled them in a corporate group under the "BAG Holding GmbH".

With an export quota of around 65 %, we have grown into an internationally active global player. We set an example with a clear orientation in our fields of competence. This allows us to act much more flexibly. With the two agile business units, we can respond more quickly to all the requirements of the global market and gear our actions to the individual needs of our customers.

As a future-oriented company, we see ourselves as a stable economic factor and employer for the region. We take this responsibility very seriously.




% Export quota


% Equity ratio


% annual sales growth


In 75 years, with a lot of joy, a portion of courage and genuine enthusiasm for what we do, we have created a family that today spans the globe.

Why family? Because we are sure of our mutual trust, even in fast-moving times with many challenges. Because we stand up for each other. And because we appreciate and respect the endearing rough edges of each individual. We always want the best for one another - and that includes our customers and partners!

Even though we have outgrown the "start-up age" at 75, we have remained curious at heart & in spirit. That's what makes us so successful.

Let's celebrate our family
- to the next 75 years!

75 Jahre BAG
Copyright BAG Group GmbH 2025.
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